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1. Remember to improvise. Whatever you have on you

can be used as a weapon in some way or form. For

example, if you have a pair of high heels on, get those

shoes off and stab them in the eye or something with

the heel. Even your keys can be used as a weapon, if
they're spiky enough. Slit their wrist or throat or poke
their eye out. Once they're down, run away
immediately and dial for help and run into the nearest
crowded place and tell as many people as you can
what happened to you. Do not wait for them to get
back up. If they can, this will only make them even
angrier and do worse things.

2. Don't underestimate your abilities. The human body

has amazing strength and wit in situations like this.

Once the adrenaline gets going, as long as you are not

too paralyzed by fear, you'd be surprised what you can


3. Rape can and does strike anyone at anytime. Age,

social class, ethnic group and has no bearing on the

person a rapist chooses to attack. Research data

clearly proves that a way a person dresses and/or

acts does not influence the rapist's choice of victims.
His/her decision to rape is based on how easily he/
she perceives his/her target can be intimidated.
Rapists are looking for available and vulnerable
targets. Statistics were obtained from various sources
including the study Rape in America, 1992, National
Victim Center, The Federal Bureau of Investigations
and the National Crime Survey.

4. Your natural instinct can save your life. Pay attention

to it. It is like radar and can prevent serious problems.
A common reporting of women that are about to see

their rapist is a quiet voice inside telling them

something is very wrong. Listen and respect that voice.

If there is a hint of danger about the person or

surroundings, do not ignore it.

5. Scream. Scream your little lungs out like there's no
tomorrow. Scream in their ear if possible, this will

deafen them momentarily. Unless they have a weapon

to you, ignore them if they say not to scream. Shout

"Rape!" or something to that effect, "Call the police, I

am being raped!"

6. DO NOT think you need to be nice. Be rude and
hateful, because these predators will try everything

possible to evoke a sympathetic response from you.

7. Remember, you have the right to mutilate your
attacker. They had even worse intentions and you

have full right to defend yourself. Don't be afraid or

nervous to do anything to them; they deserve it. Be as

aggressive as possible.

8. Rapists do not necessarily look like criminals. The
person could look very normal, well groomed, athletic

pleasant, young, etc. They might not look evil or like a

bad guy. They could be your boss, a teacher, a

neighbor, boyfriend or girlfriend, or relative.

9. Remember that attackers usually want easy prey, so
don't cooperate! If you are sexually assaulted, yell

things which make it clear everyone that the attacker's

actions are unwelcome.

10. If you notice, the easy targets are a straight line. Eyes,
nose, mouth, throat, solar plexus, breasts (if a

woman), stomach, groin, knees, and instep.

11. If the attacker is male, you can use the tip of your toe
and jam it in an upwards motion on his groin.

12. Raise your personal boundaries. Keep your inner-self
protected psychologically and physically. Realize

predators can spot easy targets through a quick

psychological or visual glance.

13. Whenever possible, use your knee to deliver a sharp
upwards blow, as hard as you can, to a male attacker's

crotch/groin area to temporarily disable him, allowing

you some valuable time to make a quick escape.

14. If you see one, try to get on a bus. Even if you have no
money there is a law (at least in the uk) that if you are

in trouble or an uncomfortable situation the driver is

obliged to let you on immediately.

15. If you are in a moving vehicle, do not be afraid to
jump out. A broken arm is better than your life. In the

event that you are in the back of a van or trunk, look

around. By law, all cars must have trunks that open

from the inside, so if it is a newer car, you're in luck. If

it is a van with no doors, or they cannot be opened,
punch through a window with a nearby object or even
your fist, if you think you can. Like I said, you're going
to bleed and be injured, but wouldn't you rather that
than be raped and possibly killed?

Being the victim of child sexual abuse actually doubles
the likelihood of adult sexual victimization because of

increased levels of PTSD and traumatized

psychological boundaries (Parillo et. al., 2003), (Sarkar,

N.; Sarkar, R., 2005).


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