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Find out how a lady's ''NO'' can later become YES...

When a lady says ‘’No’’ to your advances, you don’t just need to run away especially if you are deeply in love with her. There might be hope hanging somewhere. This is because the ‘’No’’ may either be aimed at pretending to avoid being considered cheap or doubting your ability to go out with her or marrying her. So, the first thing to do is to smile and ask for more information about why she says ‘’No’’. If the reason is not as serious as not be interested in your person at all, efforts could be made to turn the ‘’No’’ to yes through different ways. One of them is persistence. Persistence is very rewarding in the game of love. There are some couples who eventually came together because one of them refused to take ‘’No’’ for an answer. In that case the man would now woo with all manner of methods ranging from sending of flowers, flattering to sending of gifts which might be rejected at first. But in all it would later become a success story. In fact someone who had said ‘’No’’ to you before can later have a rethink and wished she had said ‘’yes’’ to you due to the following situations:
Ø  Physical and emotional changes: with time someone may change physically and emotionally and become attractive as you continue to see yourselves as in the same club, street, town, school or any other human gathering. Emotional attraction may then increase with time. The person may a change of mind because she has known you better.
Ø  Another thing is that the person who initially disagreed with you might have been dating someone else at the time of the request only to be dumped by the person thereby coming back to become yours forever so long you are still interested.
However, if persistence does not pay off after doing your best you can withdraw your attraction from the person and face another side of life. But on no account should you resort to threat or sorrowful beginning as this may affect the respect and dignity of your manhood.

On the whole you need to see her refusal as an opportunity to get your ‘’real Miss Right’’. In other words, accept the rejection gracefully and kick on with your life because when one door closes a better one opens. Finally, when you are rejected by a lady just see it as one of those things and move on…

The information contained on this blog is written based on my own empirical understanding and is true for me at the time they were written. However, as I continue to grow in knowledge and understanding, what I perceived as the truth will definitely change, as a result of this – the information contained on this blog may not reflect my current outlook. Therefore, I am not liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages or any damages whatsoever, arising out of or in connection with the contents of this blog.

Alex Oduanam

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